Frequently Asked
You can find lots of information and forms on our parents page. Please contact us for more information.
Upon arrival at forest school, the children will be guided to our base camp. Once everyone is gathered, we will introduce our team of volunteers and conduct a safety talk, outlining the rules of forest school.
Once we ensure that everyone comprehends the instructions, we will explain the various play areas available. However, the children are free to choose how they wish to explore these areas.
Throughout the forest school session, volunteers will be present, observing the children and addressing any inquiries they may have. As a team, our role is not to dictate their play but to fully support their quest for knowledge and understanding.
Occasionally, some team members may lead adult-led activities for the children to try, although participation in these activities is entirely optional.
We will provide food at forest school, expecting the children to prepare, cook, and clean up after themselves. Our volunteers will oversee these tasks, offering support according to the children's needs and preferences.
Following lunch, as a group, we will ensure that all areas of the forest are left in proper order, tidying away equipment, tools, and activities.
We will then gather to reflect on the session, discussing its highlights, any newfound skills or knowledge gained. Together, we will also plan and share ideas for our next session.
Lastly, we will conclude our time together with a captivating story.
A member of the team will come to the gate to collect your child, and check they are dressed appropriately and that all consent forms are complete and all medication is correct. Please use this opportunity to inform staff if anything you think will make your childβs settling at forest school easier.
When collecting, please wait at the gate for a member of staff to bring your child to you, they will make sure your child brings all their belongings, and medication.
There is very limited parking and we are very conscious to be respectful to the local residents, with this in mind we ask that if you really have to drive, please park respectfully and be considerate to our local residents.
As a forest school we will be educating the children in the importance of walking to and from forest school to their health and to the health of our environment and all that live in it, with this in mind we will be having an on going reward system in place where we will give a prize seasonally to the child who walks to and from forest school the most, every member of our team do fully understand how difficult it is sometimes to allow enough time to get to an appointment but in order to make our forest school members true stewards to our environment walking/scooting or biking to and from is definitely in itβs best interest.
There will be a toilet on site, however if you could make sure your child uses the toilet at home before they attend forest school, this will help them to make the most of the time they have at forest school.
Please inform the team if your child may require help with toileting.
The forest school leader is forest school and paediatric first aid qualified.
If a minor accident/injury occurs the qualified first aider will administer first aid treatment, an accident/incident form will be completed and the parent will be informed and asked to sign the form and given a copy.
In the event of a more serious accident/injury first aid will be given immediately and emergency services will be called for assistance and direction.
The parent/carer of the casualty will be contacted immediately.
The forest school has a full first aid and emergency kit on site at all times, and there will be a fully qualified first aider on site at all times too.
We will run regular first aid drills with the team but also with the children. This will teach them what to do in an emergency situation, along with some first aid knowledge, which is a very important life skill for all. We hope this will reassure them that if an accident happens, everyone knows what to do and that we will take care of them.
Our forest school sessions will still take place in all weather except for high winds and thunderstorms, which we will give as much notice as possible if this happens.
The children really enjoy exploring when it's raining which is why water proof clothing is so important. We will have some sheltered areas for the less sure wet weather explorers, but will use the weather as a great opportunity for them to try to create their own shelters.
Please ensure your child has a good breakfast before attending forest school, they are very busy when exploring and it can feel like a long time until their next meal.
Please make sure they bring a labelled water bottle, it's a thirsty work den building.
We will inform you in advance of the session what the menu will be so if it is something your child will not eat please provide something they will, please be mindful when providing a meal for your child to not include anything with nuts or nut content, no crisps, fizzy drinks or chocolate bars.
Please inform us of any dietary requirements your child has and we will try our very best to accommodate.